Homeopathy · Women

15 Health Benefits of Dill, a Soothing Herb

Dill (Anethum graveolens) is mostly known as a wonderful culinary herb, that pairs extremely well with fish. It is often added to meals including salads, pickles, hummus, sauces, potatoes, chicken and more. This herb is quite important in the cuisines of Europe and Asia. However, there are many health benefits of dill that we will cover in this article.

health benefits of dill can be consumed in pickles

What is Dill?

Dill is part of the same family as fennel, parsley, cumin and bay leaf. It is native to the Mediterranean and has been used as a medicinal herb since ancient Egypt. Oldest records of the health benefits of dill date to 5000 years ago when the plant was described as soothing medicine. The name “dill” means to “calm or soothe” which probably comes from the plant’s ability as a sedative, to calm upset stomachs and colicky infants.

Dill was grown by the Babylonians 3000 years ago and by the Greeks and Romans who used it for both medicinally and culinary purposes. You can grow dill in your herb garden as well. This plant reaches 16–24 inches (40–60 centimeters), with soft, delicate leaves that are slightly broader than the leaves of fennel. Flowers are white or yellow in small umbels that produce seeds.

There are two varieties of dill: the European dill (which has more carvone) and the Indian dill (which has more apiole). Dill is rich in vitamin A and vitamin C, it also has vitamin B6 and folate (B9). This herb has calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium and phosphorus. It is also has two types of antioxidants:

Monoterpenes: anethofuran, carvone mand limonene.
Flavonoids: quercetin, kaempferol, and Isorhamnetin.

Do not wash dill before using since it wilts quickly, so its best to keep it moisture free. Store this herb in a plastic bag or glass container with an airtight lid to take advantage of the health benefits of dill. You can also put some stems in water or wrap them in a paper towel. Dill can last up to 10 days in the fridge. It can also be frozen when the leaves are chopped. Dill seeds take a while to release their flavor.

Health Benefits of Dill

Improves Digestion

Essential oils found in dill have stimulating effect on the digestive system. One of the best health benefits of dill is its role in activating the secretion of bile juice and other digestive juices, which strengthen the digestion process and the metabolism of the body. This alleviates constipation, just like coriander and fennel, and helps the passage of bowel movements.

Ayurvedic medicine uses health benefits of dill to to aid digestion and boost appetite. It is also used as a diuretic, to increase urine production. Use fresh leaves or seeds to make tea to soothe the stomach. It is also possible to add dill essential oil to teas or soups. Many people use dill as a carminative, to tackle bad breath caused by indigestion and reflux (GERD).

Protects the Stomach Lining

Dill seed extracts can reduce stomach acidity and prevent the formation of ulcers. Seed extract is also moderately useful at controlling Helicobacter pylori, a common gut bacteria that worsens gastritis and could even cause gastric cancer. These effects are due to the flavonoids and terpenes which fight free radicals and protect the gastric lining.

Further research is still required, but health benefits of dill seem promising for people with peptic ulcers, GERD or gastritis. This herb can also manage symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) without side effects.

Prevents Gas

Prevention of gas is one of the health benefits of dill. This herb aids gastric issues because it reduces the buildup of gas in the body, thus allowing it to go down the digestive tract and exit the body. Gas buildup can cause chest cavity or press against delicate organs. Ayurveda medicine uses dill seed to relieve flatulence. It is used to prevent flatulence in young children and colic pain in babies by giving them gripe water.

Cures Diarrhea

Microbial action or indigestion are the main causes of diarrhea. Health benefits of dill can help cure diarrhea since this herb enhances the digestive properties in your body. It also improves your metabolism. Dill has antimicrobial properties which push microbes out of your body.


Dill is a great antimicrobial agent which can help with viral, bacterial, microbial, and fungal infections. These antimicrobial properties are due to a chemical called furanocoumarin. Health benefits of dill include both prevention and treatment of attacks and healing infections caused by germs. A study concluded that essential oil derived from dill seeds can be effective against Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli, and Salmonella typhii. As well as the fungus Candida albicans since it causes apoptosis (death of cells) of the cell wall of the fungus.

Lowers Cholesterol

A study done in animals showed that one of the health benefits of dill was its ability to lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides. Another study done on humans showed the same results, without having an effect on good cholesterol (HDL). These factors contribute to strokes and heart diseases. Dill can lower lipid levels naturally, but it is best when taken with other antioxidant foods such as garlic, ginger and turmeric, as well as exercise.


Essential oils found in dill have properties that act as a sedative which can cure insomniac conditions. They work by activating the secretions of enzymes which calm down the hypnotic effects of the body, helping you sleep better at night. Some cultures stuff dill leaves into the pillow, while others drink the herb in a tea with milk. Dill essential oil can also be mixed with other oils such as lavender or valerian to be placed in a diffuser.


Health benefits of dill include the management of diabetes by controlling the fluctuation of insulin secretion in the body. As a hypoglycemic agent, dill can lower blood glucose levels. High blood sugar levels can trigger chronic diseases including type 2 diabetes.

Insect Repellent

A study done on 20 plant derived oils showed that dill oil had the highest pest mortality, followed by yarrow and eucalyptus. This study was published in the Journal of Food Protection, which means dill oil could help protected stored grains from insects and mites. Essential oils are useful at controlling pests naturally, including ticks and fleas for your cats and dogs.

Bone Health

Dill can enhance the bone mineral density of the body. It can also repair damaged or injured bones.

Anti Cancer

Anethofuran and carvone found in dill can improve the removal of toxins from the body by almost doubling the glutathione-s-transferase (GST) enzyme in the liver and the gastrointestinal tract. GST enzyme helps attach glutathione to free radicals and maintain the oxidation balance within cells. Elevated levels of glutathione and GST mean better protection against toxins, including carcinogens.

A study found that the terpenes found in flowers have anti cancer properties. D-limonene, a monoterpene found in dill, could prevent colon, breast and lung cancer. Scientists synthesized a compound called glaziovianin A (GVA) using dill and parsley seeds, which was then used on melanoma cancer cells in an in vitro study. GVA stopped the growth of cancer cells without affecting normal cells.


One of the proven health benefits of dill is its antioxidant properties, which are responsible for protecting cells from damage caused by free radicals. Dill contains vitamin C which is a proven source of antioxidants. It also contains terpenoids or isoprenoids which combat conditions of the kidneys, liver, brain and heart. Flavonoids can reduce heart disease, stroke, some cancers and improve brain heath. Tannins found in dill are antioxidants and have antimicrobial effects.

Menstrual Cramps

Studies show that essential oils found in dill can help to soothe period pains and cramps. Health benefits of dill include the presence of anethol and tannin, which relaxes the blood vessels and reduces pain. Indian dill has a higher level of apiole and it is often used in Ayurveda to treat menstrual disorders.

This herb is an emmenagogue, which means it induces menstruation. Flavonoids found in dill can help regulate a woman’s cycle. Indian dill has traditionally been used as a contraceptive (do not take when pregnant) and it can also help improve symptoms of polycystic ovarian syndrome.

Reduce Labor Pain

Health benefits of dill include its pain relieving property which can reduce the duration of labor pain and the active phase of labor. It is used in Iran to induce labor in term pregnancies. This herb may even be more effective than oxytocin to induce labor. A study gave dill seed tea to women in labor and they had shorter pain times.


Dill, just like fennel, is a galactagogue which enhances breast milk production. Other herbs that offer the same benefit are anise, fenugreek and caraway. Water with extract of dill leaves and seeds can help increase the size of the milk producing gland according to this study. Check with your doctor if you have a history of breast cancer before taking advantage of the health benefits of dill, since it can affect the estrogen balance.

Side Effects of Dill

While curing insomnia is one of the health benefits of dill, overdosing on this sedative herb can cause dizziness. Do not consume dill medicinally if you have surgery within two weeks because it can lower blood sugar levels. It should also be avoided during pregnancy.

Some people are allergic to this herb and should not consume it. People who are allergic to fennel, caraway or anise seeds can also be allergic to dill, since they are part of the same family. Allergic reactions could include itchy mouth, swollen throat, red bumps on the tongue, vomit and diarrhea.