Dogs · Cats

15 Essential Oils for Fleas and Ticks to Use on your Pet

As a cat and dog owner, I worry about their well being, as do you (if you are reading this article). I have four dogs and three cats living in my farm in Pedasi. Ticks and fleas can be a horrible problem. So I was very happy to learn that I could use essential oils for fleas. Some oils work to prevent and repel them, while others even kill them.

These essential oils for fleas are created from plants and provide the properties of each plant. Chemical alternatives to kill fleas can cause problems for your cat or dog including skin irritations, vomiting and respiratory problems. Also, fleas and ticks can become immune to chemical treatments over time.

Using essential oils for fleas and ticks can be cost effective since only a small amount of oil its needed. To make your own spray of essential oils for fleas and ticks you can combine 1/4 cup of witch hazel and 1/4 cup of distilled water with 5 drops of lemongrass or lemon oil, lavender oil and rosemary oil.

Do not spray your cats (they don’t like it and it is too risky). Make sure to check first that your dog does not have allergic reactions to the essential oils for fleas that you are using. It is important not to add more than 30 drops of oil per cup of water. Too much essential oils for fleas can turn something beneficial to poison.

After you get rid of the fleas or ticks on your cat or dog, you have to clear these pests from your home. Make sure to clean and vacuum furniture, carpets and bedding. Monitor for at least two weeks so new ones don’t hatch. Fumigating your home with poison that kills insects, also harms you and your pets. You can also spray your house and yard with essential oils for fleas.

Precautions of using Essential Oils for Fleas and Ticks

Using essential oils for fleas provides a healthier and safer alternative. Some essential oils for fleas can repel these pests while others kill them by blocking their respiratory system. Those with a serious problem can use essential oils that kill fleas and ticks such a neem, cedar or thyme. Change to repellents such as lavender or catnip (for cats) after the infestation is under control.

essential oils for fleas

Do not use essential oils for fleas without diluting them since they are absorbed through the skin and can be too potent for humans or pets. Cats are more susceptible to problems from essential oils since they don’t have glucuronosyltransferase enzymes, which are liver enzymes that metabolize chemicals found in essential oils.

Some of these essential oils for fleas can be toxic to pets and can cause mild to severe irritation of the skin, including itching and burning. They have a very sensitive sense of smell and high doses can cause respiratory problems including asthma or airborne allergies. Essential oils should never be ingested by your pets (or yourself without proper knowledge of correct use) since it can cause vomit, diarrhea, liver and kidney damage. They can also decrease their heart rate and low pressure.

To be on the safer side, it is best to use essential oils for fleas and ticks around the house. Another option is to spray in their fabric collar or a bandana. And if you do apply it on their skin, do it in diluted form or put a cone so they can’t lick themselves.

Pregnant women and children need to be very careful with essential oils, as some have harmful side effects.

Essential Oils for Fleas


Kills Fleas: Yes
Repels Fleas: Yes

Cedarwood is one of the best essential oils for fleas and ticks since it actually kills them. Fleas are killed by dehydration, but it also stops their breathing and blocks their pheromones. Cedarwood oil decomposes the larvae, so they cannot reproduce. Interestingly, this oil is not harmful to beneficial insects such as butterflies and bees, or to humans and pets.

This oil is extracted from the leaves, roots and even the stumps of conifer trees that are part of the pine family. Egyptians used it in their embalmment process since it deters insects from infecting the body. This essential oil has both antibacterial and anti fungal properties. Dilute it to clean your home or place it topically on pets. It can be sprinkled in beds and furniture, sprayed in the yards or vaporized. Make sure to pick cedar oil from Eastern Red Cedar or Texas Red Cedar which don’t have hazardous ingredients. Buy cedarwood oil here.


Kills Fleas: Yes
Repels Fleas: Yes

Clove oil was included in the Environmental Protection Agency’s list of safe essential oils that can be used as insecticides. Cloves are picked from evergreen trees that are indigenous to Madagascar and Indonesia. They are unopened flower buds that are quite aromatic. Clove powder is a cooking spice. It also has medicinal properties, so it is commonly used as an antiseptic to treat toothaches and prevent oral infections. Clove essential oil has eugenol which is a power anti inflammatory.

Do not use this essential oil for fleas and ticks for too long since it is very strong. You have to be careful when you use it and make sure that your pet does not ingest the oil. It is not recommended for cats. Clove essential oil can be added when washing your dog’s bed. Buy clove oil here.


Kills Fleas: No
Repels Fleas: Yes

Cardamom oil has strong anti-inflammatory properties and anti bacterial effects, which protect your pet from secondary infections caused by flea bites. It can also soothe the pain of the bites when placed on the skin diluted with jojoba oil. Buy cardamom oil here.


Kills Fleas: No
Repels Fleas: Yes

Pennyroyal is smallest variety of mint, but it has a stronger flavor than most. This mint is edible and has medicinal properties such as treating colds, coughs, headaches and indigestion. Plant it in your garden to keep insects away.

Some essential oils for ticks and flees are highly toxic, as is the case of pennyroyal. This insecticide is very potent, so use a small amount. Spray or sprinkle it around the house in areas where ticks may live. Do not let your pets lick themselves or consume this essential oil. It is also not advisable to place it on their skin or fur. Buy pennyroyal oil here.


Kills Fleas: No
Repels Fleas: Yes

Peppermint essential oil is extracted from flowering plant tops and leaves using steam distillation. Its high menthol content gives it a recognizable smell and taste, which is why it is often included in toothpastes and mouthwashes.

This essential oil can soothe skin irritations, inflammation and itching on your pet’s body, since it stimulates blood flow which speeds up the healing process. It is best to use it on bigger dogs. Do not use on cats. Of all the essential oils for fleas and ticks this is not the most effective. Soak cotton pads or balls in peppermint essential oil and place them around your house to keep away fleas. Buy peppermint oil here.


Kills Fleas: No
Repels Fleas: Yes

This potential weed is part of the mint family and is loved by cats as it name suggests. Therefore it is safer for use in cats than other essential oils for fleas and ticks. Do not use it in a pure form, make sure to diluted with a carrier oil such as coconut oil. It can also be used on humans in a diluted form. Place it on your cat’s bed or scratching post to stop the spread of insects. Catnip can also be used to combat other pests such as termites or cockroaches. The downside is that this oil does not last long, so make sure to use it soon after its purchase. Buy catnip oil here.


Kills Fleas: Yes
Repels Fleas: Yes

This tree, native to Australia, is on the list of essential oils for fleas and ticks since it contains an organic chemical called cineole. Extracted eucalyptus essential oil, derived from crushing dried leaves, has many medicinal properties. It is useful at eliminating fleas, both by killing and preventing them.

Create a mixture of water and a few drops eucalyptus oil to spread in your furniture, carpets and other fabric items to give them a smell that fleas hate. Make sure to keep spreading for a few weeks. An added bonus is the fact that this essential oil also combats pet odor. Include a few drops in your pets shampoo to give them protection and better smell. Buy eucalyptus oil here.

Lemon or Lemongrass

Kills Fleas: No
Repels Fleas: Yes

Essential oils for flees and ticks that are derived from citrus have limonene which is very effective at repelling insects. Lemon essential oil has antibacterial, deodorizing and disinfecting properties which is why it is included in many household cleaners (both natural and chemical). It is also a great mood enhancer, which is an added benefit!

Place several drops of lemon or lemongrass oil on a bandana or a fabric dog collar to make a natural essential oil repellent. Do not use citrus oils on cats since they may be allergic and can cause liver damage. Lemon oil cannot be used on human skin if the person will be in contact with the sun. It is best to use at night and to use sunscreen. Buy lemon oil or lemongrass oil here.


Kills Fleas: No
Repels Fleas: Yes

Citronella essential oil is actually a registered in the United States as plant based insecticide since 1948. For this reason, you can find it in so many products including sprays, lotions and candles. This non toxic pesticide is effective at repelling mosquitos for two hours. Humans use it as an antibacterial agent.

Citronella has medicinal properties such as fighting infections in the kidneys, bladder and colon, as well as reducing nausea and anxiety. It can also calm anxious dogs and control their barking. Use it in a diluted form or place it in a diffuser for aromatherapy. Buy citronella oil here.


Kills Fleas: No
Repels Fleas: Yes

Lavender essential oil is one of the most used in aromatherapy for humans, but it can also be beneficial for your pets. It has been used as an insect repellent for centuries, which is why people used it to wash their clothes. Lavender flower sachets are placed in drawers to keep moths away. This powerful essential oil does not kill fleas and ticks, but it does a good job at repelling them. It can be used both indoors and outdoors.

This essential oil has the additional benefit of being an anti inflammatory agent, which can soothe the skin from irritation caused by insect bites. Essential oils for flees such as lavender can be added to the shampoo or placed in a spray with water. Dilute it with a carrier oil such as coconut or olive before placing lavender essential oil on the skin. Do not place on wounds or sores since it can cause irritation. It should only be used externally. Buy lavender oil here.


Kills Fleas: No
Repels Fleas: Yes

Rosemary is commonly used for cooking, but it can also be used in aromatherapy and medicine. This essential oil is distilled from the fresh flowering tops of the herb. While humans find the scent of rosemary to be pleasing, insects do not agree. Thus it can be used as an insect repellent.

An added benefit of rosemary is that it can treat skin conditions. You can use the oil in a diluted form by adding it to a shampoo or brewing tea and giving your pet an infused bath. This will make their coat more shiny and stimulate hair growth, just like in humans. Infused baths do not need to be rinsed off. Rosemary oil is safe for dogs; do not use this essential oil on cats. Buy rosemary oil here.

Tea Tree

Kills Fleas: Yes
Repels Fleas: Yes

Original to Australia, tea tree comes from the leaves of the tea tree plant. Indigenous communities have taken advantage of the medicinal properties of tea tree for centuries. Chemicals in the oil kill bacteria and reduce allergic reactions, as well as heal cuts and burns in humans (use crushed leaves).

This is on the list of essential oils for fleas and ticks which is toxic when ingested by your pet. So be very careful when using it. It can cause allergic reactions on the skin of cats and dogs if placed undiluted. Tea tree oil can kill fleas and ticks, but it should be used in very low concentrations and always diluted. Buy tea tree oil here.


Kills Fleas: No
Repels Fleas: Yes

This herb can be used for a lot more than giving flavor to food, since basil has medicinal properties. It is a natural antiviral, anti inflammatory, and diuretic. As much as humans love this herb, it has the opposite effect on insects. Volatile oils found in the leaves can repel and prevent insect bites. This is one of the safest essential oils for fleas and ticks you can use on your pets. Buy basil oil here.


Kills Fleas: Yes
Repels Fleas: Yes

Some essential oils for ticks and fleas can repel and kill them. Thyme is an antimicrobial, which is a powerful insecticide and insect repellent. It can also work as a salve to treat insect bites. This oil should be used minimally on pets in a diluted manner. It can also be combined with other essential oils for fleas. Buy thyme oil here.


Kills Fleas: Yes
Repels Fleas: Yes

Neem is probably the best natural pesticide. This tree produces oil from the seeds which has been used for centuries in India. This country considers this tree to be the “village pharmacy”. It can be used as a pesticide in your garden, as well as in your house since it has a component called azadirachtin which is a highly effective flea repellent. Neem essential oil also reduces insect feeding and messes up their hormone system, making it harder for them to lay eggs and grow. Neem is frequently included in soaps, lotions and shampoos. Add a few drops of essential oil if your dog’s shampoo does not include this ingredient. Buy neem oil here.