Homeopathy · Herbs

Medicinal Benefits of Sage can Save You!

Sage derives its name from the Latin word “salvere” that means to be saved. So it may come at no surprise to discover the many medicinal benefits of sage. This herb has been used medicinally since antiquity by the Romans and Greeks. It is native to the Mediterranean and the south-eastern part of Europe. Medicinal… Continue reading Medicinal Benefits of Sage can Save You!


8 Effortless Varieties of Rosemary to Plant: Upright, Creeping and Dwarf

Rosemary in Latin is Rosmarinus officinalis, which means “dew of the sea”. This herb, originally from the Mediterranean, is used for cooking. Rosemary is quite common in dishes from Italy, Spain and France. Varieties of rosemary have been cultivated for over 5,000 years, according to ancient Sumerian clay tablets. During biblical times it was considered… Continue reading 8 Effortless Varieties of Rosemary to Plant: Upright, Creeping and Dwarf


How to Plant Oregano: Varieties, Growth and Harvest

Plant Oregano “Origanum” is one of the 200 genera in the Lamicaea (mint) family, which includes medicinal, fragrant, culinary and ornamental plants. They are herbaceous perennials (which can grow for more than a year) native to Eurasia and the Mediterranean. This plant has been cultivated in Egypt for over 3,000 years, as well as in… Continue reading How to Plant Oregano: Varieties, Growth and Harvest