
Growing a Cinnamon Tree Allows you to Harvest your own Spice

What we know as ground cinnamon or cinnamon sticks is actually the bark of a tree of the Lauraceae family, the cinnamon tree. You can even have a cinnamon tree in your home in a large pot as an indoor plant. These evergreen trees belong to the genus Cinnamomum which is native from Myanmar, the… Continue reading Growing a Cinnamon Tree Allows you to Harvest your own Spice


Over 250 Types of Dandelions and Some Look-A-Likes

Did you know that there are over 250 types of dandelions? The common dandelion is probably the one that you know best. It may grow wild in your lawn, since it can withstand less than ideal conditions and is generally considered a weed. This perennial herb is edible and dandelion has medicinal benefits. Leaves are… Continue reading Over 250 Types of Dandelions and Some Look-A-Likes


How to Grow Ashwagandha and Harvest its Roots

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is also known as Indian ginseng, winter cherry and poison gooseberry (it is not poisonous – the berries can be eaten). This plant has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. It is known as a powerful adaptogen that can detoxify and rejuvenate the body. Medicinal benefits of ashwagandha are… Continue reading How to Grow Ashwagandha and Harvest its Roots


13 Types of Yarrow to Fill Your Garden With Colorful Flowers

Yarrow is an ornamental perennial that is often included in butterfly gardens. Learn how to grow yarrow so you can have these beautiful flowering plants in your backyard. There are many types of yarrow that you can plant which will give color to your garden. Flowers are usually soft white, yellow, red and pink, although… Continue reading 13 Types of Yarrow to Fill Your Garden With Colorful Flowers


Grow Milk Thistle Without Letting this Aggressive Weed Take Over!

It is quite easy to grow milk thistle, so easy that it pretty much grows on its own, which is why it is considered an invasive species in many places. This biennial plant is usually called a weed since it can destroy ecosystems since it outcompetes other plants for space and nutrients. There are species… Continue reading Grow Milk Thistle Without Letting this Aggressive Weed Take Over!


Learn How to Grow Dill, one of the Tastiest Culinary Herbs

Grow dill (Anethum graveolens) in your garden to enjoy this culinary herb that has a delicate flavor of celery, anise and lemon. It is often included in pickles, but it can also be used in fish, chicken, potatoes, eggs, humus, salads, veggies, and more. Dill can also be added to vinegar, infused vodka and dill-poached… Continue reading Learn How to Grow Dill, one of the Tastiest Culinary Herbs